Yayınlar & Eserler

SCI, SSCI ve AHCI İndekslerine Giren Dergilerde Yayınlanan Makaleler

Diğer Dergilerde Yayınlanan Makaleler

Hakemli Kongre / Sempozyum Bildiri Kitaplarında Yer Alan Yayınlar

The effect of final irrigation activation techniques on dentinal tubule penetration of two different root canal sealers

18th Biennial Congress of the European Society of Endodontology, Brüksel, Belçika, 14 - 16 Eylül 2017

The effect of final irrigation activati on techniques on canal cleanliness

International Association for Dental Research Pan-European Region (IADR/PER) Congress, 20 - 22 Eylül 2016

Management of Extensive Internal Root Resorption: Two Case Reports

17th Biennial Congress of the European Society of Endodontology (ESE), 16 - 19 Eylül 2015

’’Cross-sectional evaluation of endodontic flare-ups in Turkish population

93rd General Session and Exhibition of the International Association for Dental Research, 11 - 14 Mart 2015

Management of hopeless mandibular molar: a case report.

16th Biennial Congress of the European Society of Endodontology (ESE) Lisbon, 12 - 14 Eylül 2013

Management of apical inflammatory root resorption with mineral trioxide aggregate filling.

16th Biennial Congress of the European Society of Endodontology (ESE) Lisbon, 12 - 14 Eylül 2013

Effects of Different Antimicrobial Disinfection Systems on Enteroccoccus faecalis Biofilms

6th International Association for Dental Research Pan-European Region Meating (PER/IADR) Helsinki, Finland, 12 Eylül 2012 - 15 Eylül 2015

Effect of Er,Cr:YSGG-laser on the Apical Sealing of Calcium-silicate-containing Retrofillings

6th International Association for Dental Research Pan-European Region Meating (PER/IADR) Helsinki, 12 - 15 Eylül 2012

Rehydration of the reattached fractured tooth fragment after prolonged dehydration.

15. Biennial Congress of the European Society of Endodontology, ESE Rome, 14 - 17 Eylül 2011

An in vitro evaluation of the apical sealing ability of new polymeric endodontic filling system.

14. Biennial Congress of the European Society of Endodontology, Edinburg, Scotland, 24 - 26 Eylül 2009

Intentional replantation of a vertically fractured tooth reconstructed with an adhesive resin.

14. Biennial Congress of the European Society of Endodontology, Edinburg, Scotland, 24 - 26 Eylül 2009

Push-out bond strength and SEM Evaluation of adhesive root fillings.

International Association for Dental Research Pan-European Federation PEF IADR London, 10 - 12 Eylül 2008

In vivo evaluation of biocompability of a new resin-based obturation system.

13. Biennial Congress of the European Society of Endodontology, İstanbul, 6 - 08 Eylül 2007

Maxillary canine with two root canals: two case reports.

13. Biennial Congress of the European Society of Endodontology, İstanbul, 6 - 08 Eylül 2007

Vertical root fractures in endodontically treated teeth: report of three cases.

13. Biennial Congress of the European Society of Endodontology ESE, İstanbul, 6 - 08 Eylül 2007

Kitap & Kitap Bölümleri

Diş Travmalarına bağlı olarak oluşan ağrılar ve tedavisi.”

Dişhekimliğinde Ağrı, Reha Kişnişci, Ömer Engin Bulut, Tatyos Bebek, Editör, TDB, Ankara, ss.285-294, 2002