Lack of effect of bioactive-rich extracts of pomegranate, persimmon, nettle, dill, kale and Sideritis and isolated bioactives on platelet function

Hollands W. J., Saha S., HAYRAN O. E., Boyko N., Glibetic M., Konic-Ristic A., ...Daha Fazla

Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, cilt.93, sa.14, ss.3588-3594, 2013 (SCI-Expanded) identifier identifier

  • Yayın Türü: Makale / Tam Makale
  • Cilt numarası: 93 Sayı: 14
  • Basım Tarihi: 2013
  • Doi Numarası: 10.1002/jsfa.6213
  • Dergi Adı: Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture
  • Derginin Tarandığı İndeksler: Science Citation Index Expanded (SCI-EXPANDED), Scopus
  • Sayfa Sayıları: ss.3588-3594
  • Anahtar Kelimeler: Flavonoids, in vitro, PFA-100, Platelets, Polyphenols
  • İstanbul Medipol Üniversitesi Adresli: Hayır


BACKGROUND: The health benefits of fruit and vegetable-rich diets may be partly due to modulation of platelet activity by bioactive phytochemicals. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of bioactive-rich plant extracts and isolated bioactive metabolites on platelet function. Blood samples (n =15 subjects) were treated with extracts of bioactive-rich plants consumed as traditional foods in the Black Sea region, or with human metabolites of the bioactives quercetin and sulforaphane. Platelet function was assessed using the PFA-100. RESULTS: None of the extracts containing various flavonoids, glucosinolates and other bioactives, or isolated bioactive metabolites of quercetin or sulforaphane, caused significant changes in PFA-100 closure time (CT). In contrast, the positive controls (aspirin and Abciximab) consistently caused significant increases in CT for the platelet agonists epinephrine and ADP, respectively. © 2013 Society of Chemical Industry.