Evaluating Content, Quality, and Adequacy of Maxillofacial Trauma Videos on YouTube

TEKİN A., Temel A. N., Erdem Hepsenoglu y.

Necmettin Erbakan Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği dergisi (Online), cilt.6, sa.1, ss.1-12, 2024 (Hakemli Dergi) identifier


Aim: This study aimed to evaluate the content, quality, and adequacy of YouTube videos on maxillofacial trauma. Methods: A search for "Maxillofacial trauma" was conducted on YouTube with, a selection of two hundred videos. Out of these, 108 videos were considered eligible for the assessment of quality and adequacy. These videos were then evaluated for quality and adequacy using established assessment tools: the Information Quality Index (VIQI) and the Global Quality Scale (GQS). Subsequently, the videos were classified into low or high-content groups, based on a 16-point scoring system. Results: Most videos (55.6%) were uploaded by healthcare professionals. 81.5% were classified as low content and 18.5% as high content. The main topics covered included anatomical structures (43.5%), trauma area (40.7%), treatment procedure (32.4%), intraoral complications (31.5%), and maxillofacial trauma definition (30.6%). Fewer videos discussed post-operative prognosis and survival (13.9% and 17.6%, respectively). High-content videos had significantly higher GQS and VIQI scores, with strong correlations between content scores, VIQI, and GQS. Conclusions: The study shows a need for higher quality, accurate YouTube content on maxillofacial trauma, especially for non-medical audiences. Collaboration between healthcare professionals, commercial entities, laypersons, and YouTube could enhance reliable educational content, making YouTube a more valuable resource for patient education and awareness.