Social Media And Social Isolation: An Analysis On Relational Communication Satisfaction


Üçüncü Sektör Sosyal Ekonomi, cilt.54, sa.3, ss.1432-1441, 2019 (Hakemli Dergi) identifier


Communication technologies have brought about differences and changes in social habits,cultures, and forms of communication. The communication of the individual with his / herenvironment and with the world is often realized with information technologies. Moving awayfrom traditional communication and communicating through social networks has brought aboutsocial alienation. Individuals are sliding into isolation due to changes in their communicationstyles and social lives.Social media detaches individuals from their environment and leads to the development of socialcontacts without emotional elements. Social media communication does not allow the satisfactionprovided by the face to face communication where emotional satisfaction is experienced. Thissituation brings along many problems such as asocialization, self-alienation and so on in theindividual and social life. This study aims to analyze the communicative reflections of socialmedia, one of the developing communication technologies, in social life in the context ofcommunication satisfaction.