Sıçan omurilik hasarı rejenerasyonu için altın nanopartiküller ve nöral faktörlerle modifiye edilmiş sinir kılavuz kanalının geliştirilmesi

Özçiçek İ., Ayşit N., Balçıkanlı Z., Aytürk N., Aydeğer A., Baydaş G., ...Daha Fazla

XVIII. Tıbbi Biyoloji ve Genetik Kongresi, Ankara, Türkiye, 26 - 29 Ekim 2023, ss.1-5

  • Yayın Türü: Bildiri / Özet Bildiri
  • Basıldığı Şehir: Ankara
  • Basıldığı Ülke: Türkiye
  • Sayfa Sayıları: ss.1-5
  • İstanbul Medipol Üniversitesi Adresli: Evet


Objective: Spinal cord injuries are very common worldwide and dramatically affect life quality of the patients. Although there is a partial regeneration capacity for peripheral nerves, the functional recovery is very difficult due to the inhibitory microenvironment of the central nervous system. The developments in the fields of biomaterials and nanomedicine are very promising considering the difficulties and unsatisfactory results in traditional treatments. The aim of this study was to develop a nerve guidance conduit with micro-channeled topography, gold nanoparticle (AuNPs) conductive and modified with BDNF/NGF/IKVAV-pentapeptide molecules for regeneration of the rat spinal cord injury.

Materials and Methods: The smooth surfaced and micro-channeled (1 micron width) polycaprolactone (PCL)/polylactic-co-glycolic acid (PLGA) hybrid film scaffolds were fabricated using electron beam lithography and spin coating techniques. The surfaces of the scaffolds were made conductive by using two different materials (AuNPs and polypyrrole: PPy). In addition, the scaffold surfaces were modified with various biomolecules (BDNF/NGF/IKVAV-pentapeptide). The prepared tubular nerve guidance conduits were implanted into the right lateral hemisection injury site performed in the Sprague Dawley rats. Behavioral studies, histological staining and Western blot analyses were performed at the 5th and 10th weeks following implantation.

Results: The designed PCL/PLGA implant material generally showed good integration with the tissue and was degraded in the process. The most optimal results for nerve regeneration were obtained from the micro-channeled and AuNPs conductive group modified with neural factors. Micro-topography, neural factors, and suitable surface conductivity (AuNPs) alone did not provide effective regeneration, but all together promoted optimal neural recovery with synergistic effect. On the other hand, the PPy modified group and the smooth surfaced scaffold group did not provide a desired level of nerve regeneration.

Conclusion: In this study a functional channeled and AuNPs conductive PCL/PLGA tubular nerve guidance conduit with modified BDNF/NGF/IKVAV-pentapeptide molecules has been developed for regeneration of the rat spinal cord injury in long-term period. The developed micro/nano-designed PCL/PLGA scaffolds can be used as nerve conduits to provide optimal axonal guidance and neural regeneration required for recovery of function after various nerve injuries.