Identification of dynamics of movement of the differential mobile robotic platform controlled by fuzzy controller

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Vacho L., Olejár M., Hrubý D., Cviklovič V., Valíček J., Palková Z., ...More

Tehnicki Vjesnik, vol.26, no.6, pp.1642-1649, 2019 (SCI-Expanded) identifier identifier

  • Publication Type: Article / Article
  • Volume: 26 Issue: 6
  • Publication Date: 2019
  • Doi Number: 10.17559/tv-20181220081543
  • Journal Name: Tehnicki Vjesnik
  • Journal Indexes: Science Citation Index Expanded (SCI-EXPANDED), Scopus
  • Page Numbers: pp.1642-1649
  • Keywords: dynamic system, fuzzy controller, incremental sensor, modelling, mobile robot
  • Istanbul Medipol University Affiliated: Yes


Mobile robots with differential chassis are very often used because of simple construction and a smaller number of drive and sensors elements. For practical applications, it is necessary to know the kinematic and dynamic structure of the differential mobile robot. This paper deals with identification of the dynamics of the differential robotic platform, using differential kinematics. Electro-optical rpm sensors obtain required values such as speed of the driven wheels. Identification of dynamic system is used to determine the dynamic characteristics of power subsystem of developed EN 20 robot, whose control subsystem is created by single-chip microcontroller. Response of the dynamic system is monitored along with the peripheral velocity of the right and left drive wheels. Incremental encoders that work on optics principle measure the speeds of both wheels. It was necessary to calibrate the sensors and obtain constants for precise speed determination. The monitored system with the dumped oscillation characteristic is approximated by a system with the inertia of the 2nd order. Dynamic system parameters are found. The system approximation is suitable for given evolution of circumferential speeds of the right and left wheels. This is confirmed by the quantitative determination coefficients R2. The equations for calculating peripheral velocities of driving wheels are applied to the system of the differential equations for the differential chassis. A mathematical model of the mobile robot EN20 was obtained for testing control algorithms, where a robot is equipped with sensory systems and it is designed for interior conditions. Fuzzy controller with 49 interference rules is used to control the mobile robot. The real mobile robot path matches the path determined according to simulation model.