Selcuk Dental Journal, vol.8, no.3, pp.802-807, 2021 (Peer-Reviewed Journal)
Background: To create awareness about oral cancers, variousevents are being organized such as “oral cancer awarenessmonth”. Google Trends® is an application which is used todetermine the relative frequency of a search term and is used fordifferent purposes in the field of medicine, recently. The aim of thisstudy is to determine the research popularity of terms about oralcancers using Google Trends® and to investigate the relationshipbetween various awareness events. Methods: Search Volume Indexes for terms “oral cancer” and“mouth cancer” for the USA, United Kingdom, and worldwide wereobtained from Google Trends®. Also, for Turkey “ağız kanseri”, “dilkanseri”, “dudak kanseri” and “damak kanseri” terms were used.Average search volume indexes of all terms for April, Septemberand November, which are declared as oral cancer awarenessmonths by different societies, were calculated. Results: For terms, “mouth cancer” and “oral cancer”, Novemberaverages in the United Kingdom and April averages in the USAwere higher compared to all months (p<0.05). Averages for“mouth cancer” and “oral cancer” were higher on November andApril, respectively for worldwide (p<0.05). No statisticallysignificant relationship was observed between November, April,September averages and all months averages for “ağız kanseri”,“dil kanseri”, “dudak kanseri” and “damak kanseri” terms. Conclusion: Awareness months are effective in the context ofsearch volume index in United Kingdom, USA, and worldwide. InTurkey, awareness months may be organized or already existingevents may be improved.