The Attitude of Housewives Concerning First Aid in Domestic Accidents

Karavuş M. K., Cebeci D., Hayran O. E., Aksayan S.

EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF THERAPEUTICS, cilt.6, sa.2, ss.148-156, 1995 (Hakemli Dergi)


This descriptive study was carried out on 364 housewives living in the Mehmet Ali Paşa Health Centre of İzmit, Kocaeli. A total of 285 people living in those 364 houses chosen by systematic sampling method reported that they had some sort of domestic accident iiı the recent year, burns being the most frequently seen domestic accident; 29.5 % of those domestic accidents were found to have occurred to children of 0-4 age group, and 61.8 % to females. Majority of the housewives reported to show wrong attitude as far as first aid in bums, cuts, swallowing and/or aspiration of foreign bodies, intoxications, and electric burns were concemed. Percentage of wrong attitudes increased as the age of the housewife increased and her educational level decreased, most of the differences being statistically significant.