Selcuk Dental Journal, vol.8, no.3, pp.679-684, 2021 (Peer-Reviewed Journal)
Background: The aim of this study is to evaluate the surgicalcomplications encountered in the implants performed by the same surgeon between 2016-2019 using the Clavien-Dindoclassification used to grade the severity of surgicalcomplications. Methods: This retrospective study includes a total of 1171implants performed in 368 cases undergoing dental implantsurgery. Complications related to the operation were recordedand these complications were evaluated according to theClavien-Dindo Classification system. Possible effects of otherfactors such as age, gender, smoking, Diabetes mellitus andimmediate implant placement on complications were alsoevaluated. Results: A total of 98 complications have been reported,including flap dehiscence, numbness, infection, the apical part ofthe dental implant in the maxillary sinus, lack of primary stability,and cortical bone perforation. Smoking and immediateimplantation were found to be risk factors for flap dehiscence (p<0.05). 54.8% of the complications were in Clavien-Dindo Class Iand 28.5% in Class IIIa. According to the Clavien-Dindoclassification, gender, age, smoking and Diabetes Mellitus didnot increase the severity of the complications encountered. Conclusion: The Clavien-Dindo classification could serve as auseful in dental implant surgery both for standardization ofcomplications and to help clinicians understand theconsequences of complications. Wide range of using theClavien-Dindo classification system would allow comparisons ofdifferent techniques’ outcome in implant surgery among differentsurgeons and centers.