Why, and how, should one make classrooms less heteronormative?

Coleman E. S.

Teacher Development Academic Journal Vol 2. No 1, cilt.2, sa.1, ss.39-48, 2021 (Hakemli Dergi)


Language education does not exist in a vacuum, nor is it neutral. Academies socialize learners

and educators into structured systems of being and accepted behaviours. While this may

provide order, it excludes many members of academic and language communities. For those

who do not fit the prescribed narrative, the heteronormative atmosphere of institutions leads

to isolation and self-expression that may be perceived as what Liddicoat (2009) terms

linguistic failure. That is, unexpected utterances are seen as a failure in learning rather than a

true expression of self. Beginning with ideas on heteronormativity, this article considers how

harm is caused via instances of erasure, and why this issue demands attention. Finally, the

author sets out means by which educators can mitigate the problem.