Clinical evaluation of a gingiva-coloured material, Comp Natur: a 3-year longitudinal study.

TAĞTEKİN D., Yanikoglu F., Ozyöney G., Noyan N., HAYRAN O. E.

The Chinese journal of dental research : the official journal of the Scientific Section of the Chinese Stomatological Association (CSA), cilt.14, sa.1, ss.59-66, 2011 (Scopus) identifier identifier identifier


To report on a three-year clinical evaluation of the gingiva-coloured compomer (Comp Natur, Voco, Germany). Twelve patients with cervical lesions as a result of either gingival recession or worn root dentine were included in this study. In total, 106 restorations were evaluated by two examiners at baseline, 6-month and 3-year recalls. Ninety-nine restorations (99/106, 93.4%) were reported with having a good retention in the oral cavity at the 3-year recall. Ninety-two of the 99 restorations were evaluated as excellent for colour match. Marginal discoloration was slightly higher at the 3-year recall, while surface texture and anatomic form were significant. Marginal adaptation was not statistically important at the 3-year recall. There was no problem related to caries and postoperative sensitivity. Comp Natur is an acceptable treatment choice for cervical defects with recessed gingiva.