Dermatological diseases and treatment described in the Turkish manuscripts (XIV-XVth centuries) (part II) Ikl dönem (XIV-XV. yüzyillar) Türkçe tip yazmalarinda cilt hastaliklari ve tedavileri (II. bölüm).

Tokaç M.

Yeni tip tarihi araştirmalari = The new history of medicine studies, cilt.7, ss.161-244, 2001 (Scopus) identifier identifier


This study deals with skin diseases described in the earliest compiled or translated Turkish medical manuscripts of the 14th and 15th centuries in Anatolia. The manuscripts studied are: Müntehab-i Sifa, Edviye-i Müfrede, Tervihü'l-Ervah, Yadigâr, Cerrahiyyetü'l-Haniyye, Kamilü's-Sinaatü't-Tibbiye Tercü-mesi, Kitab-i Müntehab-i fi't-Tibb, Haza'inü's-Sa'adat, Akrabadin Tercümesi, Mücerrebname, Müfredât-i Ibn-i Baytar Tercümesi, Tuhfe-i Mübarizi and Tuhfe-i Muradi. The skin diseases known at that time are studied under the following topics: Cüderi (Ciçek, Variola, Small-pox); Hasbe (Kizamik, Rubeola, Measles); Cüzzam (Lepra, Leprosy, Hansen's disease); Demregü (Temriye, Dermatophtosis, Tinea corporis); Behak (There are two types: the white and the black; the black is Addison's disease); Baras (Ala, Vitilio); Nemle (Isirga, Makül); Ateş paresi (Nar-i farisi, frunculosis); Cemre (Kara kabarcik, Sirpençe, Karbonkül, Carbuncle); Caversiye (Kabarcik hastaligi, blisters disease); Sivilceler (Various types of pimples; Humre: Yilancik, Erizipel, Erysipelas, St. Anthony's fire; Başbert: Ciban, Fronkül, Boil, Fruncle; Dümmel: Kan çibani, Abse, Abscess); Abile (Kabarcik, Bule); Seretan (Kanser, Cancer); Hanazir (Siraca, Scrofuloderma); Akile (Yinürbaş, Gangren); Kurdeşen (Urtiker, Urticeria); Uyuz (Gale, Scabies); Giciyik (Kaşinti, Pruritus); Sa'fe (Konak, Seboreik dermatit, Scurf; Kel (Alopesi, Favus); Evram (Sişler, Urlar, Tumours); Yara (Karha, Cerahat, Wound). The terminology and symptoms of these diseases are studied and tried to find their equivalents of today. The causes and the treatment of the skin diseases known then are presented. The second part of Tokaç's article continues to deal with the etiology, symptoms and treatment of dermatological diseases.