Speech-Evoked ABR in Turkish-Speaking Adults with Normal Hearing: Effects of Gender and Age Difference

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Çelik İ., Ölçek G., Şerbetçioğlu M. B., Başoğlu Y., Belgin E.

15th Congress of European Federation of Audiology Societies 2021, 20 - 21 Mayıs 2021

  • Yayın Türü: Bildiri / Yayınlanmadı
  • İstanbul Medipol Üniversitesi Adresli: Evet


Background: The Speech-Evoked ABR (sABR) s a test that provdes valuable nformaton n studes such as obtanng nformaton about processng of speech sounds n the branstem, montorng neural maturaton, determnng the effects of agng on hearng. The sABR s a vald and relable tool used to evaluate the ntegraton of neural transmsson of speech stmul n the branstem. Although there are many studes on sABR n the lterature, there are lmted studes on Turksh speakers. The current study ams to analyze the peak latency and peak ampltude values of the sABR results of young and mddle-aged Turksh-speakng adults wth normal hearng. In addton, t ams to compare the values accordng to gender and age. Materals and Methods: 31 healthy young adults (15 females and 16 males), aged 19 to 25 years and 30 healthy mddle-aged adults (15 females, 15 males), aged 40 to 57 years partcpated n ths study. sABR records were obtaned after a routne audologcal evaluaton (otoscopc examnaton, pure tone and speech audometry, acoustc mmtansmetry, clck-evoked ABR). The 40 ms speech syllable /da/, developed by Dr. Nna Kraus, was used to record sABR waveforms wth IHS (Intellgent Hearng Systems) at 80 dB SPL from each partcpant"s rght ear. The sABR results were analyzed by determnng peaks ampltudes and peaks latences n the tme doman. Results: sABR mean peak latences and mean peak ampltudes were obtaned for young adults and mddle-aged adults. We found that mddle-aged adults have sgnfcantly smaller ampltudes n the V and O peaks (p<0,05). In addton, a statstcally sgnfcant dfference was obtaned n the D, F and O peak latences between the young adult and mddle-aged adult groups (p<0,05). Furthermore, there was a sgnfcantly negatve correlaton between age and V peak ampltude (p<0,05). Fnally, study showed that female partcpants had shorter peak latences and greater peak ampltudes than male partcpants of the agematched group (p<0,05). Conclusons: In ths study, norm values of young adults and mddle-aged adults groups were establshed for Turksh-speakng ndvduals. The mean peak latency and ampltude values were obtaned n accordance wth the lterature. The study demonstrates the effects of the age dfference and gender dfference. Although the partcpants were n the mddle age group, the study revealed that agng began to dsrupt the codng of speech and ntegraton n the branstem. In future studes, the effects of gender and age n formant and harmonc codng for Turksh-speakers can be analyzed.